Melbourne Recording Studio Costs With Studio Chaddy
June 29, 2019


A Closer Look at a Melbourne Recording Studio By the close of the 20th century, recording professionally-intended music at home was quickly becoming a possibility - with the popularisation of pocket-sized samplers and MIDI’s that could bring whole hosts of sounds conveniently to your fingertips, home production had established its own viable means of creating music with radio feasibility. That being said, it’s still not possible to replicate the recording quality you can get from a studio session - to this day, it’s difficult comparing the clarity of studio recording to the homegrown if we’re talking well-defined, clean mixes. Here, you won’t ever find yourself in want of a sound you don’t have the means to produce. So for your next search of “recording studios near me’, Studio Chaddy can help you achieve all these things in droves, and more - as a Melbourne recording studio focussed on spacious mixes [...]
June 29, 2019

Music Production

What Constitutes Music Production? It’s no surprise the term deserves a more readily available definition, seeing how often the word is tossed across multiple contexts. Music production, at its most general, is an umbrella term accounting for stages in the recording process that involves; arranging compositionally, songwriting, mixing with mastering, and editing more broadly around song structure and form. The music producer, on the other end of this spectrum, handles the steering wheel of each of these processes, and curates them to a creative direction they have in mind. The way a conductor stands at the helm of an orchestra to coordinate strings, brass and percussion so that all sections collaboratively render a song, the music producer similarly works closely with engineers and artists to bring out performances and sounds, organising them tastefully to holistically produce a desired track. Elite Production Facilities With our helping hand in production, songwriting, and [...]
June 29, 2019

Mixing & Mastering

The Importance of Mixing and Mastering You’ve written your song to completion, tracked your instrument leads, comped your vocals and arranged a breakbeat on the bridge - everything you need to record has been recorded and sequenced, but you haven’t gone through mixing and mastering your multitrack yet. Having a mix engineer tone and balance your soundscape is creatively important, for the sake of every aspect and creative choice artists make above; without a well-contoured mix, vocals are drowned out, guitar riffs become unrecognisably muddy, and aspects overshadow one another, ultimately disallowing any one part of your songwriting to shine. The last thing you want is for all the minuscule detail you’ve put into arrangement and playing to lose out, all to the kill-joy of a rough mix that hasn’t been polished for platform distribution. Online mastering is our fix to this, making sure that overall playback levels are ready [...]
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